Humor Research
We are engaged in research on humor and its application to improving technical education, innovation and communication. This work takes the form of both research investigations and educational outreach. Previous outreach includes performances at various academic, industrial and convention venues, and a radio show on WREK-Atlanta entitled "Inside the Black Box" whose motto was "Science, only funnier". Current work includes:
Application of Humorous Improvisation to Catalyze Technical Innovation
Our research on stochastic simulation algorithms showed us that adding fluctuations to molecular dynamics simulations increased our ability to explore molecular conformational space. Similarly, we now use the idea fluctuations generated by humorous improvisation to efficiently explore technical idea space. It really is no different than a Metropolis Monte Carlo model in idea space where improvisation replaces the random number generator. We are currently working with two student improvisation groups at the University of Alabama to continue our workshops using this approach. A Randall Scholar, Hunter Enders, is currently attempting to convert this process to a computer application using AI libraries.
Humorous/Relatable Class Examples to Facilitate Isomorphic Knowledge Transfer in STEM Education
Originally, we investigated the value of humor in the STEM classroom under an NSF funded project. While the humor does increase instructor immediacy and relatability, it is not required to better explain technical concepts. We found that using a relatable example helped to rebalance the cognitive load of the educational lesson so as to increase the germane cognitive load which is focused on understanding the fundamental pattern of the educational lesson. Once the student understands the relatable example, this knowledge can be transferred to a technical problem as long as the example has the same structure (isomorphic transfer). When applying advanced math and science to a common problem, an incongruity is automatically produced that creates humor. This produces the additional benefits of humor such as increased instructor immediacy and relatability - not to mention keeping students awake during a 8am class on thermodynamics.
Humorous Educational STEM Outreach
Pete has been engaged in humorous educational outreach in the STEM field for over a decade. He uses humor to make educational presentations on everything from applied modeling and chemistry to the science of cannabis and science in your everyday life. Such presentations have been given in diverse venues include science festivals, technical meetings, engineers week, comedy clubs, and universities. Please contact Pete if you are looking for a technical speaker who can make technical topics funny or someone to explain how humor in STEM can help with education, innovation, and communication.